Fall Bounty: Hunting Deer, Small Game and Birds
Finally You can feel it in the breeze, you can see it in the leaves, and if you pay attention, you can see it in the behavior of the critters. Fall is...
Fowl Weather Friends – My First Duck Hunt
"God damn it, shut up and stop looking at the sky!" Obviously Craig takes his duck hunting seriously. After a few years of hunting together, Craig had...
Fresh Wild Fish for Sushi Rolls
OK, before I start, I know someone will take issue with some of the terms used here. I understand that this is not traditional sushi. This is American...
Fishing for Food and Fun: Selecting a Rod and Reel
If you know anyone who is a regular angler one thing you may have asked is "Do you really need that many rods and reels?". I can guarantee their spous...
10 Reasons Why I Never Apologize For Being a Hunter
There is a small group of loud and vocal people who are opposed to hunting. It's hard to miss if you spend any time on social media. They will present...
Mushroom Madness: Hunting the Wild Mushroom
It was late afternoon, April 12th. My birthday. I was hunting turkeys, but the morning had proved to be in their favor. I had harvested a jake a few d...
Fishing for Food and Fun: Getting Started
Fishing has always been a part of my life. I have many memories of my dad waking me up in the middle of the night to take me to the lake to trout fish...